For years, Lexham Press has been creating innovative, high-quality resources for Logos Bible Software. These resources are designed from the ground up to take advantage of the most powerful Bible software in the world. Thousands have already enjoyed the insightfulness and usefulness of resources like the Lexham Bible Dictionary, the Lexham Discourse Series, and the Lexham Bible Guides.
For the next four days, you can get the complete library to date from Lexham Press for over 75% off!
The Lexham Press Master Collection includes 155 resources designed to help you interact with Scripture by engaging with biblical scholarship. Advanced, digital-only features are woven into biblically grounded content for your research, sermon prep, and personal devotions.
The right research tools
With Lexham Press, research doesn?t have to be a laborious process anymore. We?re building research tools that help you interact with biblical scholarship more efficiently, saving you countless hours.
Take the Lexham Bible Guides for example. Utilizing the unique digital setting, we can curate the most important insights on a particular passage and interconnect them with other resources in the Logos ecosystem. This jumpstarts your research process by giving you all the information you need upfront.
Solid insights for your sermon prep
Lexham Press is equipping pastors with tools to find the right information and present that information in beautiful ways. These resources are designed to be accessible and easy to use, integrating with the features you already use in Logos Bible Software.
Take the Lexham Theological Wordbook for example. This groundbreaking resource helps you dig into the original biblical languages in a unique format that is unlike most other wordbooks. The content you want is made even more accessible through integration with features like the Exegetical Guide and the Bible Sense Lexicon.
The most advanced resources ever created
Leveraging the power of Logos Bible Software has led to the creation of the most advanced Bible study resources. These resources take the digital medium to its limits, helping you interact with Scripture no matter where you find yourself.
Take the Lexham Bible Dictionary for example. The most advanced Bible dictionary includes thousands of links to related articles, Scripture references, and other resources in the Logos library. This makes finding the most relevant information easy, whether you?re at home, in the office, or on the go.
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Get the complete library to date from Lexham Press for over 75% off! Hurry this ridiculous deal ends on November 30 at midnight.