The powers of darkness have captured the attention of millions of people, Christian or not, for millennia. If contemporary popular culture is any indication, this fascination has hardly abated. Unfortunately, a considerable amount of misunderstanding and outright misinformation has accrued to the discussion, even within the church. In my experience, much of what Christians think
Read moreThe Ascension of our Priest and His Blessing
Installing the new priest The Old Testament gave instructions concerning the priestly cult, yet these were only shadows. In these images it became clear the priesthood was lacking––it could never make perfect. The priests served as flawed individuals for a flawed nation. They sacrificed in tents and temples with the blood of animals. They came
Read moreRe-read Familiar Doctrines with Ancient Eyes
The Pharisees are my friends and ancient Romans are my companions. This is because I’ve spent so much time in ancient literature. After doing a doctorate in rabbinic studies, it seemed that my New Testament had altered. It no longer contained obscure concepts and strange language—it was full of the concerns and terminology of my
Read moreWatch This New Interview with Justin Bass
In The Bedrock of Christianity, Justin Bass shows how—regardless of one’s feelings about Christianity—there lies a bedrock of truths about Jesus’ life and ministry that are held by virtually all scholars of ancient history, classics, and biblical studies. Through an examination of each of these key facts, readers will encounter the unalterable truths upon which
Read moreThe Next Chapter in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary Series
The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series is a top-tier commentary sure to be the bedrock of your bible study. These acclaimed volumes are essential resources marked by three distinctives: they’re comprehensive without compromise; they’re written by today’s top scholars; and they’re unapologetically evangelical. Re-introducing the EEC When the EEC was launched back in 2011, it promised
Read moreDiscover What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness
As familiar as the subject matter of demons might seem, Demons: What the Bible Really Says about the Powers of Darkness will surprise you. Most readers will expect a lot of discussion on Satan, demons, and the “principalities and powers” of Paul’s writings. We’ll certainly cover those subjects, but I need to prepare you at
Read moreThe Paradox of God’s Love
The God of the Bible is wholly other, a creator and redeemer God who does not take his cues from human beings or their behavior but rather creates them and redeems them into his very image, manifesting his character. In short, we do not define God; God defines us. God is the very definition of
Read moreWhat Are the Bedrock Facts about Jesus’ Resurrection?
Let us time travel to this very night, Good Friday night, in Jerusalem, to the place(s) where the disciples are hiding. Whether they were all together or scattered in different places throughout Jerusalem, we do not know. What we do know is that all their hopes and dreams of Jesus as the Messiah had been
Read moreWhat Does It Mean to Say, “Jesus Is Life?”
I was having a conversation with my Old Testament colleague Bill Arnold, and I asked him, “Is God ever called ‘life’ in the Old Testament?” His answer was telling: “Nothing comes to mind. But that may be because of frequency of usage, since the noun ‘life’ (ḥayyâ) is relatively rare, whereas the adjective ‘living’ (ḥay)
Read morePaul’s Gateway to the West
We often think of Paul as a theologian and writer—as the apostle whose letters established key teachings of the Christian faith. But Paul did much more than think and write. In the decades after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Paul planted churches throughout the northeastern Mediterranean region. His missionary work led to countless Christian converts, and
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