Gone are the days when seminary students were solely focused on their education, tucked in the halls of the school wearing their academic regalia with little else than study clamoring for their attention. Today many students have to balance their studies with their roles as full-time pastors, part-time assistants, or lay leaders within their church.
Read moreTreat Reading Scripture Like a Daily Core Exercise
Sola Scriptura is not simply a doctrine about the relationship of Scripture and tradition. It is also a rule that applies to the Christian imagination: Scripture alone is the ultimate story from which disciples must take their existential bearings. Scripture alone provides the metaphors, images, and narratives that are the authoritative guides for both thinking
Read moreHow to Prioritize Your Spiritual Life in Seminary
Most students we come in contact with are excited to learn about Scripture so they may follow God’s call on their lives by encouraging the body of Christ. Vocationally this looks different for various students, but the passion is almost always present. Yet for many students, it doesn’t take long before seminary starts to take
Read moreChristian Leadership: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all. (Mark 9:35) It should come as no surprise that the concept of “servant leadership” is commended by both popular Christian leadership writers and professional leadership scholars. I’m afraid, however, that some of the people who most often quote this
Read morePastor, Guard Yourself Against All Temptation
Since temptation is the front porch of the devil’s strategy to undermine and destroy faith, we need to learn how to handle it strategically. Lead us not into temptation From the time of Adam’s fall, temptation is the common experience of all humanity. Ever since Eden the lust of the eyes, the lust of the
Read moreThe Pastor’s Desperate Need for the Holy Spirit
You and I are not God. Therefore when Jesus says that his disciples (and their successors in the pastoral office) will do greater works than he (John 14:12), he obviously doesn’t mean that they will do divine works under their own power. Rather, as fully authorized servants of Christ, his ministers are endowed and equipped
Read moreWhy Reading the Bible Theologically is Vital for Discipleship
To read the Bible rightly is to read it as the word of God with and for the people of God, yesterday and today. This is more radical than it sounds. For more than two hundred years or so, the Bible has been treated in the academy as a document of the university, that is,
Read moreFive Ways Church Leaders Can Manage Their Time
A pastor?s schedule is a difficult thing to manage. You are never truly ?off.? It seems as if there is always an emergency that must be addressed, a member to be met with, a fire to extinguish, and someone to encourage. Also, you are supposed to write and preach a Scripturally faithful and winsomely delivered
Read moreHope Is as Close as the Risen Christ
This is a guest post by Dr. Daniel Bush. Daniel is pastor of NorthPointe Church in Union, KY, and the author of Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians and Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God. His newest book is Undefended: Discovering God when Your Guard Is Down. Attending
Read morePreparing Your Heart and Mind for Seminary
Danny Zacharias and Ben Forrest wrote Surviving and Thriving in Seminary to equip students with the skills to succeed?spiritually, relationally, and academically?while attending seminary. In this excerpt, they speak directly to new and prospective seminary students about the challenges they may face when they arrive on campus. Like many seminary students, you may have grown
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