Andrea Burke is the author of A Bit of Earth: A Year in the Garden with God. In her new book, she looks at the seasonal practice and common grace of gardening through a devotional lens. Part memoir, part prayer book, A Bit of Earth weaves care and intent through moments of ordinary living. In
Read moreGalatians and Job: An Interview with Michael Burer and Duane Garrett
Michael Burer and Duane Garrett are the authors of Galatians and Job, two new volumes in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series. In our interview below, the two authors reflect on the long process of writing an exegetical commentary. Michael H. Burer is dean of faculty development and professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological
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Murray J. Harris is the author of Navigating Tough Texts, Volume 2: A Guide to Problem Passages in the New Testament. In his new book, he concisely considers more than eighty tricky passages in the New Testament, showing how these texts offer insights with implications for theology, apologetics, mission, and the Christian life. In our
Read moreHear Ye! Lexham Audiobook Flash Sale
Whether you’re relaxing by the pool, embarking on a road trip, or just enjoying a warm summer evening, our collection of audiobooks will uplift and inspire you on every adventure. Save 50% off every Lexham audiobook, but only for a limited time—this deal expires on July 15! New Audiobooks The Bible Unfiltered & I Dare
Read moreThe Crisis of Civil Law: An Interview with Benjamin B. Saunders
Benjamin B. Saunders is the author of The Crisis of Civil Law: What the Bible Teaches about Law and What It Means Today. In his new book, Saunders draws from Scripture and the Christian tradition to provide valuable guidance on contemporary legal questions and the role of civil government. In our interview below, Saunders reflects
Read moreThe Giver of Life: An Interview with J. V. Fesko
J. V. Fesko is the author of The Giver of Life: The Biblical Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Salvation. In his new book, he reflects on the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the application of Christ’s work for the salvation of sinners, provides a thorough and trustworthy guide to the Holy
Read moreConquerors Not Captives: An Interview with Joseph Dodson
Joseph Dodson is the author of Conquerors Not Captives: Reframing Romans 7 for the Christian Life. In his new book, he challenges the popular view that Romans 7:14–25 describes the typical Christian battle against sin. In our interview below, Dodson shares the inspiration behind the book. Joseph R. Dodson is Dr. Craig L. Blomberg Endowed
Read moreNavigating Mental Health, Trauma, and Faith
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, shining a spotlight on the importance of mental well-being. Pastors are increasingly called to engage with the intersection of mental health, trauma, and faith. These resources aim to provide insight and guidance on navigating the complex interplay between these issues, illuminating pathways toward healing and wholeness. A Quiet Mind
Read moreMore than a Sermon: An Interview with Doug Webster
Doug Webster is the author of More than a Sermon: The Purpose and Practice of Christian Preaching. In his new book, highlights the prophetic and pastoral challenge of preaching today. The task is both harder and easier than we imagine, as we are called to proclaim the biblical text in a way that convicts a
Read moreReformed Covenant Theology: An Interview with Harrison Perkins
Harrison Perkins is the author of Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction. In his new book, he shows how Christ and his work are the heart of that covenant relationship. Since God lives in covenant with his redeemed people, covenant theology provides a framework for Christians to grow in their life with God, to read
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