Lexham Press is bringing Geerhardus Vos? Reformed Dogmatics to English for the first time ever. The recent publication of the first two volumes is generating some buzz, and we thought we?d share a couple of links where it?s being discussed.
On the Monergism blog, John Hendryx discussed the doctrine of election as explained volume one of Reformed Dogmatics:
The doctrine of election (predestination) is tied tightly to other aspects of Reformed theology. Geerhardus Vos expresses this well in his Reformed Dogmatics (recently published in English for the first time thanks to Logos and Lexham Press ? see here and here). Vos asks this question (in vol. 1.5.4): ?At what points is the doctrine of predestination or election related to the rest of Reformed doctrine as a whole??
He went on to summarize Vos? answer. See what Vos had to say.
Then, on the Reformed Forum podcast, Jeff Waddington favorably introduced Reformed Dogmatics:
They?re beautiful, done well, and they?re in a catechetical format. Now, that has nothing to do with the particular publisher; that?s just the way that Vos did his Reformed Dogmatics. So it?s a question and answer format. And some of them are short answers, and some of the questions have very long answers. The first volume is Theology Proper, that is, God in himself. And then the second volume is Anthropology. So those are out.
This is a wonderful edition to our understanding of Vos? work because it shows that biblical theology and systematic theology are not at odds with one another when properly conceived. Again, there?s three more volumes that will come out. I don?t know the time table at this point. But I?ve been reading the electronic edition which has been available in Logos for some time now, and I have been enjoying it very much because Vos gets into some detail about various questions he wrestles with. Very much worth your while.
Check out the full podcast episode to see what else he had to say.
Volumes one and two of Vos? Reformed Dogmatics are currently available in print, and the first three volumes are available in Logos.
Order the Logos editions today, and you?ll receive volumes four and five automatically when they are released!