The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia addresses a difficult problem in that young community. A distorted version of the gospel was taking hold and Paul was writing to correct these false teachings and to promote true Christian beliefs and practices. Galatians is a short book but the implications of its teaching?are truly enormous.
The modern church is plagued by the same problems that Paul addressed in the church in Galatia: we habitually lose the gospel.?The gospel has been equated with everything from personal prosperity to laws for virtuous living. But all such perceptions paralyze the mission of the church, which is aimed at finding true abundant and joyful life in Christ.
The critical message of Galatians takes us into the heart of an experience?the enjoyment of God?s presence and everlasting peace?one which sets us free to love and be loved. In?Live in Liberty, Daniel Bush and Noel Due bring out the spiritual message of Paul?s words, helping you apply it to your mind and soul so that you may experience the liberating presence of God.
Here’s what?Tullian Tchividjian, senior pastor of?Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, has to say about this book:
“I travel a lot and meet a lot of people and I?ve never been more convinced that the message of Galatians needs to be recovered in all of its liberating glory. Everywhere I go, people are exhausted. They?re exhausted relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. After talking to the spiritually exhausted people, I discover that their exhaustion is due to what they think they need to be doing in order to gain and maintain God?s love and favor. In theological terms, most Christians live their lives as if their justification depends on their sanctification: if I do and become all that I must do and become, God will love me and accept me. The message of Galatians is that God?s love for sinners like you and me is one way?it is not dependent on what we do, but on what Jesus has done for us. We are accepted and approved by God because of Christ?s work, not our work. Church should be the one place in all of society where the weary and heavy laden should be able to go and find rest. But all too often they get to-do lists. This needs to change. We need a new reformation. And that?s why I love?Live in Liberty. Thank you Noel and Dan for reminding that ?It Is Finished.? I keep forgetting.”
The digital?edition of?Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians?is now available for pre-order. The print edition will be available later this year.
Dan Bush and Noel Due’s other book,?Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God, is also available for pre-order.
Discover the true liberating nature of the gospel.