On Friday, we?celebrated?Charles Spurgeon?s 181st birthday by announcing four new volumes in the Spurgeon Commentary series. These new volumes help you comb through Spurgeon?s vast corpus as you look for that one nugget of wisdom.
Spurgeon?s incredible?biblical wisdom is unparalleled in the modern era. His nickname says it all?the Prince of Preachers. His thoughts are spread among thousands of writings and?sermons. But there is one thing that sets Spurgeon apart from all other contemporaries. In his own words:?“Growing a beard is a habit most natural, scriptural, manly, and beneficial.”?
Today, we will be celebrating that biblical and beneficial habit: the beard.
Here at Lexham Press, we have a number employees who sport?well-kept?beards. In a very worldy sense, beards are a handsome and attractive addition to anyone?s face, but their benefits aren?t just physical.?I think the Apostle Paul shows us why beards are so beneficial to the soul in?Romans 5:3?5. By faith, a beard grower?endures the long and grueling?process, persevering though the awkward patchy phases, and finally emerging on the other side a changed man.
Here are just some of the beards we?ve been blessed with here at Lexham Press.
As you can see, our beards come in all shapes and sizes but they’re all equally natural, scriptural, manly, and beneficial?well, most of them at least.
You, too, can celebrate Spurgeon?s bearded?legacy with us! Share a photo of your beard, real or fake, and you could win paperback copies of?Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians?and?Spurgeon Commentary: Hebrews! Post your photo as a comment on this Facebook post or use hashtag #SpurgeonBeard on Twitter and mention @LexhamPress. See this blog post for a complete set of?contest rules.