Last week, the NIV Faithlife Study Bible made its debut in print. This new study Bible has generated a ton of buzz and we?d like to share a couple of links where it?s being discussed.
In an interview on Tim Challies?s blog,?Dr. Michael Bird discusses the importance of staying curious in Bible study:
It?s important because you don?t want to study the Bible living in an echo chamber where all you hear said to you and taught to you is what you hear all the time. It?s good to bring, I daresay, a little bit of diversity to the gene pool of your own exegesis and Bible study.
On the blog, Melinda Bouma discusses some of the background of this exciting project:
Partnering with Faithlife?the creators of Logos Bible Software?to bring the content from their robust study Bible app into a fresh, innovative print edition in the bestselling NIV translation?was a natural fit.
Also on the blog, John D. Barry, General Editor of the Faithlife Study Bible, examines the importance of studying multiple points of view:
When we examine multiple views, we move beyond merely acquiring information; we learn how to think about that information. Critical thinking is a skill that?s honed through closely examining various views for their merits. And it?s a skill we should bring to our Bible study.
In his review of the NIV Faithlife Study Bible on, Randy Brown praises both the robust study notes and the innovative graphics:
The Faithlife Study Bible makes the Bible more visual with infographics and charts. It has over 100 full-color infographics, timelines, and tables. The graphics often show objects (such as houses, temples, boats, etc.) in a break-away or exploded view. For example, Noah?s Ark shows the insides so you can get an idea of how the animals could have been placed within. It also shows graphics of archaeological finds such as steles and tablets. The graphics use a minimal art style and look great. I love the visuals in this Bible.
Both Michael Boling and Elizabeth Garn address benefits and challenges of daily Scripture reading.
Stay curious. There?s more to explore.?Pick up the NIV Faithlife Study Bible today!