As the Advent and Christmas season draw near, Lexham Press encourages all readers to cultivate a life of prayer and experience God in a new way this season.
The prayer below is excerpted from Fount of Heaven: Prayers of the Early Church edited by Robert Elmer. The hearts of the first Christians beat with praise for Christ. The strength of their devotion is remarkable, considering the times of uncertainty and persecution in which they lived. The prayers have been slightly updated to read more easily, but they retain their joy and mystery.
Blessings to you this holiday season!
May the first day of yours be blessed, Lord—the day from which this feast day is stamped. This day is like you: it shows us mercy, and it is handed down from generation to generation. This day refreshes itself by its love. After it visits, and passes, and goes away, in mercy it returns and visits us again.
We need this day; our human nature needs it. The world needs the fountain of this day. We are thirsty for this day, just as we are thirsty for you.
This is the day that rules the seasons! On your day, Lord—a day that is near to us—we see your birth that is far off.
For your day reconciled heaven and earth. The highest came down to the lowest. Your mercy shone forth on the guilty. Great is your day, Lord! Let mercy shine forth on us sinners. And if your forgiveness wells up every other day, how much more today.
Let us distinguish your day from all days, for great is the treasure house of the day of your birth. On this day mercy came forth to sinners. On this day the medicine of life came to the wounded, and the light shone on our blindness.
Voice of the Father, the world is noisy. Our mind wanders. Make still those other voices, and let us find quiet in you. For by you the sea was stilled from its storms.
And let your flock rejoice. Let your day, O Lord, give us all joy, joy with the flowers of peace. Keep the glory of your birth, today.
– Ephraim the Syrian

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