In Finding Assurance with Thomas Goodwin, Andrew S. Ballitch explores how deeply the doctrine of assurance of faith impacted Goodwin’s life and how Christians can learn from him today. In this interview, we discuss how Goodwin provides a “fantastic lifeline of help” to Christians seeking assurance—and we learn Ballitch is a Jiu Jitsu instructor! Lexham
Read moreEvangelism for the Care of Souls: An Interview with Sean McGever
In Evangelism: For the Care of Souls, Sean McGever reminds ministers that announcing—and reannouncing—the good news of Jesus is central to pastoral care. In this brief interview with McGever, we discuss the reasoning behind writing the book. Lexham Press: What is the story behind Evangelism: For the Care of Souls and what is the basic thesis?
Read moreA Book for Burned-Out Pastors: An Interview with Jeremy Writebol
Today, many pastors and ministry leaders are facing burnout and exhaustion, feeling the weight of their job responsibilities. Pastor and author Jeremy Writebol wrote Pastor, Jesus is Enough to challenge and encourage pastors to rely on sufficiency, not their own. In the following interview, Jeremy Writebol talks about his goals in writing the book, speaking
Read moreThe Challenge of Pastoral Ethics Today
In this excerpt from Pastoral Ethics: Moral Formation as Life in the Trinity, W. Ross Hastings summarizes the current difficulties confronting pastoral ethics and emphasizes the subject’s theological grounding. There are many reasons why pastoral ethics is an excruciatingly challenging subject in this era of human history. First, the matter of the moral formation of
Read moreCommunicate Well By Illustrating Well
In this excerpt from Illustrating Well, Jim L. Wilson reflects on the importance clear and relevant preaching illustrations can be to communicating a message, and how prophets throughout the Bible used those same principles. In preaching, the goal is not exclusively to communicate the preacher’s idea; it is to communicate the meaning that the biblical
Read moreThe Last Enemy: A Personal Reflection on Christ & Calamity
I hate death. Early that grim morning my wife died I told my closest friend and confidant: “I wish I was more fluent in profanity; I have a few choice words for the devil.” “Until death parts us” Jane and I pledged each other one bright September day more than fifty years ago. True, there
Read morePastoral Leadership: An Interview with Harold Senkbeil and Lucas Woodford
Pastors are entrusted with the care of a flock by the Good Shepherd and are called to be faithful to this task. But pastoring seems to be getting more and more difficult. In Pastoral Leadership: For the Care of Souls, Harold L. Senkbeil and Lucas V. Woodford present a set of practical tools for church
Read morePastors, Band Together to Strengthen One Another
In this excerpt from Small Preaching: 25 Little Things You Can Do Now to Make You a Better Preacher, Jonathan Pennington encourages pastors to form strong bonds with fellow pastors to strengthen one another. On October 25, 1415, Saint Crispin’s Day, English King Henry V stood before his army of roughly 9,000 near the village
Read moreThe Lexham Ministry Guides: An Interview with Harold Senkbeil and Todd Hains
The Lexham Ministry Guides offer practical, proven wisdom for the church. Edited by Harold L. Senkbeil, these books will help you better serve the Savior’s sheep and lambs with confidence. In this interview with Senkbeil and Lexham Academic Editor Todd Hains, we discuss the vision for this series and how it stands out against other
Read moreStewardship: An Interview with Nathan Meador
Stewardship of time, talents, and treasure isn’t just about sustaining the material of the church. It’s about guiding those resources in service of the church’s primary mission: proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. In Stewardship: For the Care of Souls, Nathan Meador and Heath R. Curtis present a practical theology of stewardship focused on
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