Lexham Press is nearing completion of the full?original scope for the Lexham Bible Dictionary. The last time we updated you on the status of the dictionary was in April?since then we’ve added another 500,000 words and almost 650 new articles. That brings the total word count to 4.5 million words across almost 7,500 articles!
To put that into perspective,?the entire Bible (ESV) is a little over 750,000 words. That means the Lexham?Bible Dictionary contains?just under?6 ESV Bibles in word count.
Compare the word count of the ESV Bible to the Lexham Bible Dictionary
All of this work represents an incredible effort by our contributors and our editorial team. They’ve been working on this project for five years and the bulk of the work almost finished. The past year has seen an exponential rise in both word count and article count.
Word count and article count added to the Lexham Bible Dictionary?by year, since 2013.
Once we’ve completed the original scope for the Lexham Bible Dictionary, our job isn’t complete. We will still continue to add new content and update old articles with new?research ?and discoveries. The Lexham Bible Dictionary will never go out of date.
The best thing is, all of this amazing content?is completely free. The?Lexham Bible Dictionary?is included in every?Logos 6 base package?and the?Faithlife Study Bible app.