This is the last week to get 40% off of these digital bundles, brought to you by Weaver Book Company and Lexham Press!
With the Cultural Issues Bundle, apply the wisdom of Scripture to modern issues like gender and sexuality, Christian persecution, and apologetics.
Here are few highlights from this bundle:

enGendered: God?s Gift of Gender Difference in Relationship
enGendered celebrates the God-given distinctions between a man and a woman. It concludes that the more distinction is embraced, the closer a man and woman become. Thus gender, rightly understood, is a tool for intimacy. Written in a compassionate tone and winsome style, the volume speaks to Christians who want to know what the Bible says about gender differences and why. enGendered was selected as as the winner of the 2015 book-of-the-year in the Accessible Theology cateogry by World Magazine.
A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement
This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation movement. The authors first expose the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. Then they systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning.
Controversy of the Ages: Why Christians Should Not Divide Over the Age of the Earth
The age of the earth and the doctrine of creation are heated topics within the church. Controversy of the Ages carefully analyzes the debate by giving it perspective. Rather than offering arguments for or against a particular viewpoint on the age of the earth, the authors take a step back in order to put the debate in historical and theological context. The authors of this book demonstrate from the history of theology and science controversy that believers are entitled to differ over this issue, while still taking a stand against theistic evolution. But by carefully and constructively breaking down the controversy bit by bit, they show why the age issue is the wrong place to draw a line in the theological sand.

Born This Way? Homosexuality, Science, and the Scriptures
What are Christians to make of relentless assertions that homosexuality is an innate characteristic? Some pastors and church members are suggesting that scientific research demands a change to the historic stance of Christian sexual ethics.
The author of Born This Way? wants Christians not to be intimidated and confused by these assertions. Branch succeeds by carefully walking the reader through the research to show that homosexuality is not an innate quality, and how some findings are twisted to arrive at pre-conceived notions. This distinction is vital, and it comes as good news to those who want to be faithful to both science and the Bible.