This guest post was written by Daniel Bush, author of?Undefended:?Discovering God When Your Guard Is Down,?Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians,?and?Embracing God as Father:?Christian Identity in the Family of God. My wife loves to observe a day many love to hate: All Hallows? Eve, the night folks traditionally prepared for All
Read moreHave We Devalued the Significance of Followership?
Leadership books line bookstore shelves and continually pop up on best-seller lists. But is modern society?s fascination with leadership causing followers to miss out? What if you desire to meaningfully contribute to your organization as a follower, with no aspirations for leadership? Where?s the book for you? Allen Hamlin Jr?s Embracing Followership: How to Thrive
Read moreCraig Bartholomew on the Heart of Biblical Religion
The possibilities and challenge of application in preaching are summed up in the phrase, ?Land the plane!? I owe this provocative metaphor comparing a sermon to flying a plane to my friend, colleague, and rector, Ray David Glenn. It is not unusual for us to discuss in the days leading up to a Sunday how
Read moreAllowing Jesus to Direct Our Lives
Finding the right path to take in life is an ongoing challenge. It?s easy to flail in the realm of possibility rather than face the realities in front of us. Waiting upon the LORD is no easy virtue. Jesus tells us, ?Enter through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the
Read moreAbraham Kuyper on Adam, Noah & the Church
Noah became in fact the second progenitor of the human race; not that he replaced Adam, since Noah himself was the fruit of human procreation, as God had not directly formed Noah by his own hand. Noah inherited his nature and character from his parents and grandparents, which had not been the case with Adam.
Read morePreach Excellently with the Right Tools
Good contextualization is critical to communicating the message of the Bible. But good contextualization is hard work. It requires intimate knowledge of both Scripture and the audience that you?re trying to reach.?God?s Word is always contextual. Scripture is fixed, but its application is not. In his new book, Excellent Preaching, Craig Bartholomew helps pastors shape
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For years, Lexham Press has been creating innovative, high-quality resources for Logos Bible Software. These resources are designed from the ground up to take advantage of the most powerful Bible software in the world. Thousands have already enjoyed the insightfulness and usefulness of resources like the Lexham Bible Dictionary, the Lexham Discourse Series, and the
Read moreAbraham Kuyper on Governments and God?s Eternal Principles
In what manner are governments to obtain knowledge of the eternal principles presented to us in God?s Word? Three answers are conceivable. Theocracy First, one might say: The task of the church is to show in what manner. This is the answer given by Rome. Rome has never denied that government has a right to
Read moreAbraham Kuyper on a Church That Is Both Organism and Institution
Over here people want the church to flow out into society, while over there they want the church revamped in line with Rome, and over yonder they want to make the church expand into the free church of our time. The one cries out: ?Away with the church, as institution or organization! Christian living must
Read moreGet Free Previews of Forthcoming Works from Abraham Kuyper
Last week, we announced a new series of translations of Abraham Kuyper?s writings in public theology. This monumental series is comprised of 8 key works across 12 volumes. While most of the translation has already been completed, producing these volumes will take some time. The first volume,?Our Program, will be released on November 10 and
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